Bacterial vaginosis combined detection kit (enzymatic chemical reaction method)
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Bacterial vaginosis combined detection kit (enzymatic chemical reaction method)


Uses: It is suitable for detecting the pH value of female vaginal fluid, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide and the catalytic activity of sialidase and leukocyte esterase.


Product advantages


Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)


Ecological dominant bacteria index of hydrogen peroxide concentration


Understanding the Viability of Ecologically Dominant Bacteria in the Vagina


Sialidase (SNA)


Sialidase SNA Activity Pathogenic Bacteria


Knowing the presence and absence of pathogens that cause BV to colonize and multiply


Leukocyte esterase (LE)


Leukocyte esterase LE activity host response indicator


Understanding the extent of vaginal mucosal damage


pH value


Vaginal PH value is the most direct indicator of vaginal ecological balance


Learn about vaginal ecological restoration


BV combined detection reagent is of great significance in the evaluation of vaginal microecology


▲ The microecological evaluation system can quickly diagnose common vaginal inflammations such as BV, candidiasis, and mixed infections at one time.


▲ Microecological evaluation of patients with difficult-to-diagnose vaginal inflammation to guide clinical treatment


▲ Through the detection of flora and function, it can quickly give doctors predictive instructions, reducing superficial cure and excessive treatment


▲ Evaluate the relative amount of bacteria in the vagina of women and evaluate whether they are susceptible to infection by some microorganisms


Specific indicators


Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration - Indicators of Ecological Dominant Bacteria to Understand the Viability of Ecological Dominant Bacteria in the Vagina


The determination of H2O2 concentration is a good indicator to analyze whether the vaginal microecology is balanced. Abnormal vaginal microecology is a strong signal of the existence of pathogens, which will induce other pathogenic microorganisms or conditioned bacteria in the vagina to become pathogens, which are prone to recurrence of female lower genital tract infections. One of the main reasons for the inability to cure.


Vaginal pH value - the most direct indicator of vaginal ecological balance to understand vaginal ecological recovery


The low pH value in the vagina is the original mechanism to control the composition of vaginal flora. The vaginal pH value is maintained at 3.8-4.5, which can inhibit the growth and reproduction of Haemophilus vaginalis and other opportunistic pathogens and maintain the balance of vaginal flora.


Sialidase (SNA) Activity - Pathogenic Bacterial Indicator To understand the presence and reproduction of BV-causing pathogens


Sialidase is an inducing factor for some bacteria, it can decompose mucopolysaccharides in tissues and enhance bacterial adhesion. When the normal microecological balance is destroyed, these sialidase-producing pathogenic bacteria will multiply and cause BV.


Leukocyte esterase (LE) activity - an indicator of host response to understand the extent of vaginal mucosal damage

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